HARRISBURG- Sen. Greg Rothman (R-34) voiced his concerns today about the excessive $3.2 billion increase in state spending proposed in Governor Josh Shapiro’s 2024-25 state budget.
Shapiro’s plan would require a 7.1 percent increase in overall state spending. This level of spending will bankrupt future budgets, cause more inflation, and raise taxes on citizens and their families.
Despite a projected deficit, the Governor’s spending plans would completely drain the state’s current and future budgetary reserves—including the state’s only savings account, the Rainy Day Fund—over the next five years.
The budget includes an unrealistic $1.5 billion increase in education spending. The Governor’s own budget office recognizes this massive increase is not sustainable in future years without tax increases on Pennsylvania workers and property owners.
“Let’s acknowledge that there’s no such thing as government money–every penny the government spends comes from taxpayers,” Rothman said. “The out-of-control spending proposed in the Governor’s budget is irresponsible at best.”
“Pennsylvanians are being crushed by rising costs, and our small businesses are being stifled by high tax rates and cumbersome regulations,” he continued. “We should be focused on cutting tax rates and encouraging true economic prosperity. We can do that by eliminating Pennsylvania’s biggest economic roadblock—our startup business penalty, which unfairly taxes struggling small businesses.”
“I’m disappointed by Governor Shapiro’s unaffordable, unrealistic, and out-of-touch budget proposal. I remain committed to working on a fiscally responsible, growth-focused budget for the hardworking, taxpaying people of Pennsylvania. We owe them no less.”
The Senate Appropriations Committee, of which Sen. Rothman is a member, will begin budget hearings on February 20.
Contact: Morgan Wagner