Senator Rothman E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Funding Announced for Municipal and Emergency Services, Roadway Improvements
  • Senate Votes to Cut Red Tape for Athletic Trainers, Athletes
  • Supporting Firefighters, Community Safety
  • Voter Registration Deadline is April 8
  • Free Tax Resource for Pennsylvanians

  • Around the Capitol
  • Happy Easter to You and Your Family

Funding Announced for Municipal and Emergency Services, Roadway Improvements

I’m pleased to report that the Commonwealth Financing Authority approved funding for the following projects in the 34th District this week, which will help maintain our public spaces, keep our roads and neighborhoods safe, and further contribute to our quality of life:

  • Carlisle Borough – $96,500 for fire safety fleet modernization and will be used toward the purchase of a new rescue pumper.
  • Shippensburg Borough – $96,500 for police department vehicle and equipment upgrades.
  • Silver Spring Township – $97,549 for the purchase of public works equipment, which will be used to maintain parks, athletic fields, and other public spaces.
  • North Middleton Township – $1,055,000 to improve safety on Spring Road, through the construction of a roundabout at its intersection with Creek and Cranes Gap roads.
  • Shippensburg Borough – $357,172 for the Dykeman Road Extension Project.
  • Silver Spring Township – $373,000 for road improvements along Main Street in New Kingstown.

Thanks to Rep. Sheryl Delozier, Rep. Torren Ecker, Rep. Barb Gleim, and Rep. Thomas Kutz for their advocacy and support of these important projects.

Read more here.

Senate Votes to Cut Red Tape for Athletic Trainers, Athletes

Two bills modernizing the capabilities of athletic trainers in Pennsylvania were passed by the Senate and moved to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Senate Bill 559 and Senate Bill 560 would allow athletic trainers to deliver a wider scope of health care services to more individuals.

The bills would permit athletic trainers to practice specific invasive procedures under a written protocol with a licensed physician. Some of the procedures include medication injections, blister and nail care, administration of Naloxone and any other procedures authorized by the State Board of Medicine.

Supporting Firefighters, Community Safety

Applications for the federal Fire Prevention and Safety Grant and the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant programs will be accepted until Friday, April 12. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is offering webinars to assist in the process.

The Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grants support projects that enhance the safety of the public and firefighters from fire and related hazards. The primary goal is to reduce injury and prevent death among high-risk populations.

SAFER Grants were created to provide funding directly to fire departments and volunteer firefighter interest organizations to help them increase or maintain the number of trained, front-line firefighters available in their communities. SAFER’s goal is to enhance the local fire departments’ abilities to comply with staffing, response and operational standards.

Voter Registration Deadline is April 8

The deadline to register to vote in Pennsylvania’s April 23 primary election is Monday, April 8. Your county election board must receive your application for a mail-in or absentee ballot by Tuesday, April 16, at 5 p.m.

To legally register, individuals must be a citizen of the United States, reside in their local voting precincts at least 30 days prior to the election and be at least age 18 on Election Day, Tuesday, April 23. Once registered to vote, you are not required to register again unless you change your residence, name or political party affiliation.

Voter registration forms, mail-in ballot applications and absentee ballot applications are available here or from your local county’s Board of Elections. You can also use the site to check your registration status.

Free Tax Resource for Pennsylvanians

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue myPATH site is a free resource all Pennsylvanians can use.

Using the website, residents can file their PA personal income taxes, make a payment and check the status of their refund. There is also an option to verify your tax refund to expedite processing.

Anyone who needs some extra help using myPATH can access video tutorials explaining how to create a profile, file a personal income tax return and use a smart device to access myPATH.

Around the Capitol

It was a busy week at the Capitol! I was honored to meet with members of the West Perry and Greenwood FFA chapters during the Pennsylvania FFA Legislative Leadership Conference on Tuesday.  I thoroughly enjoyed hosting fourth graders from Silver Spring and Hampden Elementary Schools Tuesday and Wednesday.  The Big Spring Middle School Chorus was beyond impressive! Please visit my facebook page for more pictures of these outstanding students.

Happy Easter to You and Your Family

Warmest wishes for you and your family as we prepare to celebrate the holy holiday of Easter. While we reflect on the hope and love the day symbolizes, may you enjoy time surrounded by loved ones.

Our offices will be closed Friday, March 29.  We look forward to serving you when we reopen on Monday.

Happy Easter!


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