Senator Rothman E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Senate Finishes Review of Shapiro’s Massive Spending Proposal
  • Beware: Rise in Scams Involving Bitcoin ATMs
  • Open Now: PennDOT Survey About Your Transportation Needs
  • Daylight Saving Time Begins This Weekend
  • Around the Capitol

Senate Finishes Review of Shapiro’s Massive Spending Proposal

The Senate Appropriations Committee concluded the third week of its examination of Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget proposal, which totals $51.5 billion and would increase state spending by 7.5% over the current year’s budget. 

During the Department of Corrections and Pennsylvania Parole Board hearing, committee members discussed the financial impacts of prison closures. The Shapiro Administration wants to close two prisons and two community corrections centers. Yet, Shapiro still wants to increase overall spending for the state correctional institution system by $143 million to a total of $3.3 billion.

At the Department of Human Services (DHS) hearing, committee members shared concerns about Shapiro’s plan to increase DHS spending by approximately $2 billion, a jump of more than 10% compared to this budget year. In addition to the rapid growth of the department, which is not only the most expensive department, but the fastest growing department in state government, discussion also covered excessive Medicaid expenses for GLP-1 medications like Ozempic for weight loss and a waiver that allows able-bodied Pennsylvanians without dependents to receive food assistance without meeting work requirements.

At the hearing for the Budget Secretary and Executive Offices, members highlighted the Shapiro Administration’s unrealistic new revenues; suppression of future human services and education costs; and overstatement of baseline revenue growth. Using realistic projections for revenue and expenditures, Shapiro’s budget would eliminate the state’s $3 billion fund balance and take an additional $1.6 billion from the state’s emergency savings, also known as the Rainy Day Fund.

Having completed the official review of Shapiro’s budget proposal, the Senate will use its findings from the hearings to craft its own spending plan, with the goal of enacting a final, fiscally responsible 2025-26 state budget. Find video and recaps of every budget hearing at

Beware: Rise in Scams Involving Bitcoin ATMs

Attorney General Dave Sunday is warning Pennsylvanians that scammers are now using Bitcoin ATMs, or “BTMs,” to gain access to other people’s money. This scam starts with messages that sound urgent, like “protect your money” or “take care of any criminal charges.” Unsuspecting consumers may also be persuaded to act because scammers have personal information, such as their bank name or details about their financial situation.

After coercing a consumer into making large cash withdrawals, the cyber criminals tell the consumer to deposit the funds into a BTM. Following that deposit, the criminals ask the consumer to scan and send a QR code, which gives the criminal access to the funds. In most cases the money is impossible to get back.

Financial scams typically start with a telephone call, text message, email, social media message or an alert on your computer. Avoid falling prey by never responding directly to unexpected calls or withdrawing cash in response to an unexpected call or message. Learn more ways to protect yourself from scammers.

Open Now: PennDOT Survey About Your Transportation Needs

Motorists are encouraged to share feedback regarding their transportation needs and concerns with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) via its Transportation Survey before April 30. Responses will impact the 12-Year Program, which lists statewide planned projects and assigns funding to them. You may also call 717-783-2262 to request a paper copy or to complete the survey over the phone.

Before filling out the survey, you may wish to review the 2025 Transportation Performance Report. Recently released by the State Transportation Commission (STC), the report contains information about how Pennsylvania’s transportation system performed in the last two years.

There will also be an online public forum on Thursday, April 10, featuring a presentation from Secretary of Transportation Michael Carroll, as well as a live question-and-answer session with PennDOT personnel and STC members. Register for the forum and submit your transportation questions for the Q&A session by filling out the registration form or emailing them to

Daylight Saving Time Begins This Weekend

Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday, March 9, at 2 a.m.

When moving your clocks ahead, consider checking the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are in good working order.

Around the Capitol

The Big Spring School District Middle and High School choirs brought a lot of joy to the Capitol this week! They drew a standing-room-only crowd and filled the rotunda with beautiful music! Their performances were thoroughly enjoyed by all. Rep. Gleim and I were thrilled to host them!

Also this week, I was glad to meet with Cumberland County Commissioner Kelly Neiderer about the current needs and promising future of the county. We were joined by Katie Zimmerman, Director of Grants Administration for the county. Teamwork and collaboration are key to our community’s success.

Rep. Kerwin and I had the pleasure of spending some time with students from Northen Dauphin Christian School when they visited the Capitol this week. They asked great questions about the legislative process, the duties of a legislator, and state government in general. I enjoyed our discussion and hope they had a great time during their tour!


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