Senator Rothman E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Taxpayers Cannot Afford Shapiro’s Unrealistic Spending Plan
  • Bill Repealing RGGI Electricity Tax Receives Senate Support
  • Bill to Exempt Newer Vehicles from Emissions Testing Passes Senate
  • Trout Stocking Schedule Announced

Taxpayers Cannot Afford Shapiro’s Unrealistic Spending Plan

On Tuesday, Gov. Josh Shapiro presented a $51.5 billion budget plan that would increase state spending by $3.6 billion, an increase of 7.5% compared to the current year’s budget. During the next five years, using realistic spending and revenue estimates, Shapiro’s spending plans would unsustainably grow the size of government and leave a $27.3 billion hole in the state’s finances. 

Many of my House and Senate colleagues and I raised concerns that the governor’s overly optimistic future revenue projections and wildly inaccurate future expenditure assumptions could eliminate the state’s emergency savings (also known as the Rainy Day Fund) and create the need for a multi-billion-dollar tax increase on Pennsylvania families within a year and a half.  

Shapiro’s budget address is only the first step in the process.  I’m eager to get to work on a fiscally responsible budget—one that eliminates waste, fraud and abuse while meeting the needs of Pennsylvanians. I’ll be engaged in the upcoming Senate Appropriations Committee’s budget hearings and subsequent budget negotiations; hearings will begin Feb. 18 and run through March 6.  

We should be cutting tax rates and growing our economy, NOT asking taxpayers for more. It’s time to respect hardworking Pennsylvanians and operate within our means. 

Bill Repealing RGGI Electricity Tax Receives Senate Support

To prevent a new electricity tax, the Senate passed legislation this week repealing Pennsylvania’s unconstitutional participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI, a multi-state compact, would increase electricity rates for consumers, cut energy and manufacturing jobs and lead to the closure of Pennsylvania power plants. 

Senate Bill 186 would formally repeal Pennsylvania’s participation in RGGI and ensure that any decision to impose electricity taxes or emissions programs must go through the legislative process rather than being enacted unilaterally by the executive branch. The bill now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration. 

Despite bipartisan opposition from the General Assembly, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Quality Board pressed ahead with regulations to establish a CO₂ Budget Trading Program – effectively imposing a tax on electricity generation. 

In 2023, the Commonwealth Court ruled that RGGI is a tax and cannot be implemented without legislative approval. However, Gov. Josh Shapiro’s decision to continue to appeal this ruling to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has prolonged uncertainty for workers and businesses across the commonwealth and deepened concerns about energy grid reliability and affordability. 

Bill to Exempt Newer Vehicles from Emissions Testing Passes Senate

The Senate approved legislation this week to reform Pennsylvania’s outdated vehicle emissions testing program by reducing the number of vehicles covered by the requirement. The bill now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Currently, the federal Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) program mandates that motorists in 25 Pennsylvania counties undergo annual emissions testing.

Senate Bill 149 would exempt the five most recent model year vehicles from emissions testing requirements. The bill would align Pennsylvania with other states in the federally mandated Northeast Ozone Transport Region. Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Virginia have implemented similar exemptions with EPA approval.

Trout Stocking Schedule Announced

Local anglers can find out when their favorite fishing hole will be stocked with trout by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission using the annual Trout Stocking Guides available online now.

The commission stocks approximately 3.2 million adult trout in nearly 700 streams and 130 lakes open to public angling each year. These figures include approximately 2.4 million rainbow trout; 693,000 brown trout; and 125,000 brook trout. The average size of the trout produced for stocking is 11 inches in length. Additionally, 72,000 trophy trout, sized from 14-20 inches, are 70% stocked before opening day.

The statewide opening day for trout season is Saturday, April 5. Additionally, the Fish and Boat Commission will host Mentored Youth Trout Day on Saturday, March 29. Youth under the age of 16 can join a mentor (adult) angler who has a current fishing license and trout permit to fish for trout the Saturday before the regular opening days. Learn more about the program.


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